Note: Change "/passive" to "/quiet" for silent installs. msi /passive ADDLOCAL=FeatureMain,FeatureEnvironment,FeatureJavaHome,FeatureJarFileRunWith INSTALLDIR=' $0 Then, assuming you want to enforce the optional entries to set JAVA_HOME and add it to the path, etc., then you would do so by installing it with:ĮxecWait 'msiexec.exe /i. You'll then set the Inetc::get line to download an. the current latest LTS release, which is 11.0.6+10. Remember to specify the server for that driver you are adding. at both User & System DSN Tabs, Click Add then add the SQL Driver. If you would rather download an OpenJDK JRE with JREDyna_Inetc, you would change JRE_URL to e.g. Download, install, and add driver to the datasource: Go to control Panel->AdministrativeTools->DoubleClick on ODBC. Also, as a support matter, it's sometimes nice to have a known quantity for the version of JRE being used. Our jlink'd slim JRE is only 38MB extracted, so rather than dealing with downloading it we just package the files with the installer. The nice thing about using OpenJDK is that you're permitted to redistribute it more flexibly.

For the Oracle one, you don't need an updated header you can just update JRE_URL.